Preferred coordination modes in the first steps of the learning of a complex gymnastics skill

Autor: Rim Sioud, Maurice Zattara, Pierre Leroyer, Déborah Nourrit, Didier Delignières, Jean-Paul Micaleff
Rok vydání: 1998
Zdroj: Human Movement Science. 17:221-241
ISSN: 0167-9457
DOI: 10.1016/s0167-9457(97)00031-6
Popis: Delignieres, D., D. Nourrit, R. Sioud, P. Leroyer, M. Zattara and J.P. Micaleff, 1997. Preferred coordination modes in the first steps of the learning of a complex gymnastics skill. Human Movement Science 16, 000-000. The aim of this experiment was to analyze the first coordination modes exhibited by novices in a complex gymnastics skill (the swings under parallel bars, in bent inverted hang position), compared to the coordination mode of a group of experts. Eight novices and four experts were involved in the experiment. For experts a mode of coordination was predicted which was characterized by a 2:1 frequency ratio between vertical and pendular oscillations of the body center of mass, with a 90/270 degrees phase offset. In contrast a simpler coordination mode was expected for novices characterized by absolute frequency and phase synchronizations. Both predictions were supported by the results. Despite a significant increase in the amplitude of the swings, no evolution seemed to occur in the coordination mode over eight sessions of practice. This experiment shows that the behavior of beginners, in a novel task, is highly constrained by the intrinsic dynamics of the system, and that overcoming these spontaneous tendencies remains difficult.
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