Design rules for quasi-linear nonlinear optical structures

Autor: Sean Mossman, Mark G. Kuzyk, Rick Lytel
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: SPIE Proceedings.
ISSN: 0277-786X
Popis: The maximization of the intrinsic optical nonlinearities of quantum structures for ultrafast applications requires a spectrum scaling as the square of the energy eigenstate number or faster. This is a necessary condition for an intrinsic response approaching the fundamental limits. A second condition is a design generating eigenstates whose ground and lowest excited state probability densities are spatially separated to produce large differences in dipole moments while maintaining a reasonable spatial overlap to produce large off-diagonal transition moments. A structure whose design meets both conditions will necessarily have large first or second hyperpolarizabilities. These two conditions are fundamental heuristics for the design of any nonlinear optical structure.
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