Phytophthora cryptogea causing ink disease of Castanea sativa newly reported in Greece

Autor: C. Perlerou, Anna Maria Vettraino, S. Diamandis, G. Tziros
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Plant Pathology. 59:799-799
ISSN: 1365-3059
DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3059.2010.02268.x
Popis: Dipartimento di Protezione delle Piante, Universitadegli Studi della Tuscia, Viterbo, ItalyInkdiseasehasbeenassociatedwithPhytophtoracambivorainchestnuts(Castanea sativa) in Greece (Chitzanidis & Kouyeas, 1970; Vettrainoet al., 2005). In November 2006, approximately 10% of five to seven-year-old trees in a 0AE5 ha orchard in Larissa County, Central Greece,showed disease symptoms including decline of the crown, burrs stillremaining on the trees and dark necrosis at the collar with flame-shapededges. A Phytophthora species was consistently isolated from collarlesions and soil under symptom-bearing trees onto PARBhy medium(Vettraino et al., 2005) and identified as P. cryptogea based on morphol-ogy and cultural characteristics (Erwin & Ribeiro, 1996). Colonies (A2matingtype)appearedfluffyonPDAanddidnotgrowat35 C.Sporangiawere oval to obpyriform, nonpapillate, persistent (32AE5–57AE5 ·25–35 lm), oogonia smooth, plerotic; antheridia amphigynous, andhyphalswellingsproducedinabundance.TheITSsequencesoffiverepre-sentative isolates were deposited in GenBank: STM(b) and STM(r), fromcollar tissues; and APA1, ATR1, TSOK1 from soil (Accession Nos.GQ428327, GQ428328, GQ428325, GQ428326, GQ428329, respec-tively); they were identical to each other and exhibited 100% of identitytothatofP.cryptogeaisolateEU200283.Pathogenicity tests of three P. cryptogea isolates (STM(b), ATR1, andAPA1) was conducted by soil infestation in a growth chamber at 22 Cusing twelve 3-month-old potted chestnut seedlings for each isolate, andtwelve non-inoculated plants as controls. Each seedling was inoculatedwith 30 mL L
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