Creating an innovative digital project team: Levers to enable digital transformation

Autor: Nan S. Langowitz, Patricia J. Guinan, Salvatore Parise
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Business Horizons. 62:717-727
ISSN: 0007-6813
DOI: 10.1016/j.bushor.2019.07.005
Popis: Digital transformation encompasses an organization's ability to adapt, respond, and position itself for success in the face of rapid technology evolution. A critical structure in achieving successful digital transformation is the digital project team, yet there is little research on how they are created and developed. Much of the focus has been on agile methodologies and processes but there is less research to inform organizations on digital team dynamics such as roles, empowerment, learning, and leadership development. This article describes our findings from a multilevel study of the IT function of 60 companies, including fieldwork at five company sites involving more than 130 semistructured interviews with senior level IT professionals. We identify four essential team-based levers that enable digital transformation: (1) diverse and targeted team composition, (2) iterative goal setting, (3) continuous learning, and (4) talent management. Using company examples and practices, we describe how digital leaders are using these levers to propel their organizations forward in the journey toward digital transformation.
Databáze: OpenAIRE