Comparative Decision Making

Autor: Thomas R. Zentall, Philip H. Crowley
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Comparative Decision Making
DOI: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199856800.001.0001
Popis: Table of Contents Chapter 1. Introduction Philip H. Crowley and Thomas R. Zentall Chapter 2. Economic decisions and institutional boundaries Evelyn Korn and Johannes Ziesecke Commentary 2.1. Advocating for Homo economicus Erwin Amann Commentary 2.2. The Neoclassical Economics Model: Extensions and Limits Jack Schieffer Chapter 3. Why Making a Decision Involves More Than Decision-Making: Past, Present, and Future in Human Action Bertram C. Bruce Commentary 3.1. Punctuation, Continuity, and Historicity: Traversing the In-Between Travis Whetsell and Patricia M. Shields Commentary 3.2. Why we will never know if human decision making is unique Evelyn Korn Commentary 3.3. Forks in the Road from Decision to Action Chris Higgins Chapter 4. Environmental Decision Making in the Argentine Delta Stephanie C. Kane Commentary 4.1. Environmental Decision-Making, Social Reality, and Port Cities as " Commentary 4.2. The Crevices of Unreason in Human Decision Making Bertram C. Bruce Chapter 5. The Social Nature of Human Decision Making James D. Morrow Commentary 5.1. The Social Nature of Human Decision Making: A Computational Perspective Craig Boutilier Commentary 5.2. When Should We Expect a Nash Equilibrium? Barry O'Neill Chapter 6: Ambiguous decisions in the human brain Ifat Levy Commentary 6.1 Ambiguous Decisions in the Human Brain Ming Hsu and Lusha Zhu Commentary 6.2 What Animals Can Tell Us About Human Choice Under Risk Thomas R. Zentall Chapter 7: What Can Neuroeconomics Tell Us About Economics (and Vice Versa)? Mark Dean Commentary 7.1. Disciplining behavioral theories through brain-based models of decision-making Isabelle Brocas and Juan D. Carrillo Commentary 7.2 On the benefits of studying mechanisms underlying behavior Andrew Sih, Andrew Bibian, Nick DiRienzo, XiuXiang Meng, Pierre-Oliver Montiglio and Kevin Ringelman Chapter 8. Behavioral Approaches to Decision Making Edmund Fantino and Stephanie Stolarz-Fantino Commentary 8.1 Can Choice Be Suboptimal? K. Geoffrey White Commentary 8.2 How Studying Animals Can Clarify the Basis of Human Decision Making Thomas Zentall Chapter 9. A behavioral ecology view of decision making: something old, something borrowed, something new Andrew Sih Commentary 9.1 Crossovers in Ecological and Economic Models of Decisions Jack Schieffer Commentary 9.2 The Scientific Perspective and the Potential Emergence of a General Theory of Decision Making David F. Westneat Chapter 10. Using evolutionary thinking to cut across disciplines: the example of the argumentative theory of reasoning Hugo Mercier Commentary 10.1 Evolution and Development David Moshman Commentary 10.2 The Effectiveness of Classical Reasoning and the Provenance of Reasoning by Argumentation Philip H. Crowley Commentary 10.3 A new link in the Unification of the Sciences of Cognition Alain Trognon and Martine Batt Commentary 10.4: The Evolution of Argument: A Commentary on Mercier David S. Chester, Richard S. Pond, Jr., and C. Nathan DeWall Chapter 11. Poor Decisions About Security Bruce Schneier and Deric Miller Commentary 11.1: Poor Decisions about Security Helen Pushkarskaya and Ifat Levy Commentary 11.2: Human irrationality as a contributor financial and economic insecurity: Implications for policy-makers Denis Hilton and Caroline Attia Chapter 12. Increasing the Accuracy of Criminal Justice Decision-Making Sarah A. Crowley and Peter J. Neufeld Commentary 12.1. Roots of Wrongful Convictions Brandon L. Garrett Commentary 12.2. Driving forces for change Rebecca E. Bucht Chapter 13. Forensic Judgment and Decision-Making Peter A. F. Fraser-Mackenzie, Rebecca E. Bucht, & Itiel E. Dror Commentary 13.1 The Awkward Marriage of Criminal Justice and Science Sarah Crowley Commentary 13.2 In the Eye of the Beholder Thomas R. Zentall Chapter 14. Computational Decision Support: Regret-based Models for Optimization and Preference Elicitation Craig Boutilier Commentary 14.1. Group Decision Making on Combinatorial Domains Jerome Lang Commentary 14.2. Putting Preferences into Computational Context Judy Goldsmith Commentary 14.3. Bottlenecks and Regret Vincent Conitzer and Lirong Xia Chapter 15. Improving public policy decisions in creating institutions and markets to transfer natural disaster risk in developing countries Jerry R. Skees and Grant Cavanaugh Commentary 15.1 Decision Making About Real Needs of Actual People Helen Pushkarskya Commentary 15.2 Designing Mechanisms to Overcome Market and Behavioral Failures Jack Schieffer Chapter 16. What the comparative approach to decision making has to offer Philip H. Crowley and Thomas R. Zentall
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