Exploring Non-touchscreen Gestures for Smartwatches

Autor: Christina Boucher, Sarah Morrison-Smith, Jaime Ruiz, Zichun Xu, Shaikh Shawon Arefin Shimon, Courtney Lutton
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: CHI
Popis: Although smartwatches are gaining popularity among mainstream consumers, the input space is limited due to their small form factor. The goal of this work is to explore how to design non-touchscreen gestures to extend the input space of smartwatches. We conducted an elicitation study eliciting gestures for 31 smartwatch tasks. From this study, we demonstrate that a consensus exists among the participants on the mapping of gesture to command and use this consensus to specify a user-defined gesture set. Using gestures collected during our study, we define a taxonomy describing the mapping and physical characteristics of the gestures. Lastly, we provide insights to inform the design of non-touchscreen gestures for smartwatch interaction.
Databáze: OpenAIRE