Non-fragile finite-time sliding mode control for Markovian jump systems with randomly occurring uncertainties and controller gain variations

Autor: Yugang Niu, Zhiru Cao, Meng Zhao
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Journal of the Franklin Institute. 359:1257-1273
ISSN: 0016-0032
DOI: 10.1016/j.jfranklin.2021.11.001
Popis: This paper considers the sliding mode control (SMC) problem of a class of uncertain Markovian jump systems, in which there exist randomly occurring parameter uncertainties and random gain variations in the controller. By introducing two independent random variables obeying Bernoulli distribution, the random characteristics of parameter uncertainties and controller gain variations are described. A mode-dependent sliding surface is constructed, and then, the non-fragile SMC scheme is synthesized such that the specified sliding surface is reached in finite time. Furthermore, the stochastic finite-time boundedness over both the reaching and sliding stages are ensured simultaneously under some sufficient conditions. Finally, the developed non-fragile SMC approach is verified by a practical example.
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