A traffic density analysis of proposed ferry service expansion in San Francisco Bay using a maritime simulation model

Autor: Jack Harrald, Gregory L. Shaw, Joseph P Blackford, Jason R. W. Merrick, J. René van Dorp, Thomas A. Mazzuchi
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 81:119-132
ISSN: 0951-8320
Popis: A proposal has been made to the California legislature to dramatically increase the frequency and coverage of ferry service in the San Francisco Bay area. A major question in the approval process is the effect of this expansion on the level of congestion on the waterway and the effect this will have on the safety of vessels in the area. A simulation model was created to estimate the number of vessel interactions in the current system and their increases caused by three alternative expansion plans. The output of the simulation model is a geographic profile showing the frequency of vessel interactions across the study area, thus representing the level of congestion under each alternative. Comparing these geographic interaction profiles to a similar one generated for the current ferry service in the San Francisco Bay allows evaluation of the increase in exposure of ferries to adverse conditions, such as, for example, the interaction of high-speed ferries in restricted visibility conditions. This analysis has been submitted to the legislature as part of the overall assessment of the proposal and will be used in the expansion decision.
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