Software Oriented Approach in Providing and Processing of Signals with Real Power Quality Problems

Autor: Vladimir Dimcev, Milan Simic, Dragan Denić, Goran Miljkovic, Dragan Zivanovic, Zivko Kokolanski, Milan R. Dincic
Rok vydání: 2018
Popis: Software oriented approach in generation and analysis of complex signal waveforms, suitable for testing the instruments for detection of typical power quality (PQ) problems, is presented in this paper. This approach is based on virtual instrumentation software for definition of signal parameters, data acquisition card NI PCI 6343 for signal generation and power amplifier for amplification of output voltage level to the nominal RMS value of 230 V. Definition of basic signal parameters is enabled using LabViewsoftware support, which allows simple repetition of test signals and various combinations of more test sequences in final complex test signals. The basic advantage of this approach compared to similar solution for signal generation is possibility for providing test signal sequences according to the predefined algorithms, including variations of real PQ disturbances and problems in accordance with the European standard EN 50160. Experimental confirmation of presented approach is performed using reference instrument - PQ analyzer Fluke 435 Series II.
Databáze: OpenAIRE