Photodetector arrays from 100mm diameter InGaAs/InP epitaxial wafers

Autor: Michael J. Lange, J.J. Sudol, J.C. Dries, P. Dixon, Marshall J. Cohen, A.R. Sugg, Gregory H. Olsen
Rok vydání: 2001
Zdroj: Journal of Crystal Growth. 222:693-696
ISSN: 0022-0248
Popis: Low dark current (210 nA/cm2 at −1 V), high shunt resistance area product (0.3 MΩ cm2) photodetector arrays have been fabricated on 100 mm diameter InGaAs/InP epitaxial wafers. The lattice-matched In.53Ga.47As was deposited by organometallic vapor-phase epitaxy upon sulfur-doped InP substrates. High-quality surface appearance and good uniformity of X-ray and photoluminescence intensity and wavelength were observed. Over 360 linear arrays of 256 or 512-element devices can be obtained from these 100 mm diameter wafers and represent more than a four-fold yield increase over that obtained with current industry standard of 50 mm diameter wafers. Good results from 320×240 element InGaAs/InP focal plane arrays fabricated on 75 mm diameter substrates were also obtained.
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