Pseudoatrophoderma colli: distinct entity or just a variant of confluent and reticular papilomatosis of Gougerot-Carteaud

Autor: Francisco Zúñiga Urbina, Walter Gubelin, Arturo Espinoza, Carlos Misad, Emilio Sudy
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Dermatology Online Journal. 26
ISSN: 1087-2108
Popis: Pseudoatrophoderma colli is a rare entity described in the same time period as confluent and reticular papillomatosis of Gougerot-Carteaud and the two conditions have certain similarities. Pseudoatrophoderma colli is clinically characterized by lesions with an atrophic and wrinkled appearance, which are mainly located on the trunk and neck (hence the name colli). Few references exist in the literature and most of them are very old. Histopathological findings are nonspecific, showing mild hyperkeratosis, thinning of the stratum granulosum, and acanthosis and papillomatosis in some areas. In the papillary dermis there is vascular dilatation with a sparse inflammatory lymphohistiocytic perivascular infiltrate. Fragmentation of elastic tissue has been described only in one case. There is no specific treatment, with variable responses to diverse therapies including ultraviolet light, vitamin A, lactic acid and minocycline. We describe in detail two patients with pseudoatrophoderma colli and show histology. The first patient was treated with minocycline 100mg per day for two months and the second patient was treated with lymecycline 600mg per day for three months and 300mg per day for another two months. Both patients demonstrated a good response within the first month of treatment.
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