Lumahyphes cocal Boldrini, Santos & Oliveira, 2015, sp. nov

Autor: Boldrini, R., Santos, G. C., Oliveira, D. R.
Rok vydání: 2015
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6094392
Popis: Lumahyphes cocal sp. nov. (Figs. 1���7) Diagnosis. Male imago: 1) vein CuP of fore wing with basal portion attached to vein A (Fig. 3 a,b); 2) terga base color whitish and terga I���X washed with gray, in whole or part (Figs. 1���2); 3) dorsal structure of penes apically rounded (Fig. 7); 4) spines of penes long, S-shaped in lateral view (Fig. 7); 5) spines of penes with apex directed anteriorly (Fig. 7). Description. Male imago. Antenna: 0.4 mm; body: 2.4���2.9 mm; fore wing: 2.8���2.9 mm; hind wing: 0.4���0.5 mm; tibia I: 0.8 mm; tibia II: 0.6 mm; tibia III: 0.7 mm; cerci broken and missing. Head (Figs. 1, 2). Dark grey dorsally, grey ventrally; compound eyes blackish; ocelli whitish, surrounded with blackish; antenna whitish and washed with gray. Thorax (Figs. 1, 2). Pronotum whitish washed with gray. Meso- and metanotum brown; prelateroscutum and scutellum washed with gray; medioscutum, submedioscutum, sublateroscutum and posterior scutal protuberance darker. Prosternum whitish and washed with light gray. Meso- and metasternum brown; basisternum darker. Legs yellowish light-brown, foreleg darker; coxa and trochanter brown; apex of femur with black mark on dorsal region (Fig. 1); base of tibia brown. Fore wing membrane greyish (Fig. 3); basal portion of vein CuP attached to vein A (Fig. 3 b); costal and subcostal regions gray. Hind wing membrane greyish (Fig. 4). Abdomen (Figs. 1, 2). Basal color whitish. Terga I���III & VIII���X washed with gray completely; terga IV���VII with only median region washed with gray. Sterna I���VI washed with gray; sternum IX washed with light brown. Genitalia (Figs. 5, 6, 7). Median projections of styliger plate short and pointed distally (Fig. 5); accessory dorsal structure of penes rounded (Fig. 7). Forceps whitish; segment I 0.75 �� length of segment II; segment I washed with light brown. Penes whitish; spines washed with light brown; spines of penes S-curved in lateral view; apex of spines anteriorly directed (Fig. 7). Bases of cerci whitish. Etymology. The specific epithet of the new species is an allusion to the locality where the holotype was collected: Igarap�� Cocal, Amajar��, Roraima. Distribution. BRAZIL: Roraima. Comments. Lumahyphes cocal sp. nov. shares most of the characteristics found in the diagnosis for the genus made by Dom��nguez et al. (2006). The only generic characterisitic that is not found in this new species is that vein CuP of the fore wing does not retains its basal portion paralleling CuA. In this new species, the basal portion of vein CuP on fore wing is attached to A (Fig. 3), as found in the genera Traverhyphes Molineri, 2001 and Vacupernius Wiersema & McCafferty, 2000. In the key by Dominguez et al. (2006), L. cocal sp. nov. would key as L. guacra or L. yagua. However, adults of these three species can be distinguished easily by the genitalia. Lumahyphes cocal sp. nov. has the accessory dorsal structure of penes and median projections of styliger plate not curved (Fig. 7); the spines of the penes are relatively long, S-curved in lateral view, and with anteriorly directed apices (Fig. 7). Lumahyphes guacra and L. yagua, on the other hand, have the dorsal structure and the inner posterolateral projection of styliger plate curved (as in Dominguez et al. 2006: Figs. 100 F, L), and the spines of the penes have a different shape in lateral view. Material examined. Holotype: Male imago, Brazil, Roraima, Amajari, Serra do Tepequ��m, Igarap�� Cocal, 3 �� 73 'N, 61 �� 72 'W, 18.xii. 2014, Boldrini, R., Barroso, P.C.S., Oliveira, D.R. and Borges, R.L. leg. (INPA). Paratypes: Two male imagos, same data as holotype (INPA); four male imagos, same data as holotype, except, 01.xi. 2014, Boldrini, R., Boldrini, B.M.P.O., Barroso, P.C.S. and Santos, G.C. leg (CZNC); two male imagos (legs, wings and genitalia mounted on slides), same data as holotype, except, 01.xi. 2014, Boldrini, R., Boldrini, B.M.P.O., Barroso, P.C.S. and Santos, G.C. leg (UFRR); two male imagos, Brazil, Roraima, Pacaraima, Igarap�� Sam��, 4 �� 28 ' 30.8 ''N, 61 ��09' 44.4 ''W, 06.i. 2015, Boldrini, R. leg. (UFRR).
Published as part of Boldrini, R., Santos, G. C. & Oliveira, D. R., 2015, First record of the genus Lumahyphes Molineri, 2004 (Ephemeroptera: Leptohyphidae) from Brazil with description of a new species, pp. 143-146 in Zootaxa 4013 (1) on page 144, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4013.1.11,
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