Oxygenation level and hemoglobin concentration in experimental tumor estimated by diffuse optical spectroscopy

Autor: Arthur B. Volovetsky, M. Yu. Kirillin, N. Yu. Shilyagina, Anna Orlova, Il. V. Turchin, G. Yu. Golubiatnikov, Ekaterina A. Sergeeva
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Clinical and Preclinical Optical Diagnostics.
Popis: Using diffuse optical spectroscopy the level of oxygenation and hemoglobin concentration in experimental tumor in comparison with normal muscle tissue of mice have been studied. Subcutaneously growing SKBR-3 was used as a tumor model. Continuous wave fiber probe diffuse optical spectroscopy system was employed. Optical properties extraction approach was based on diffusion approximation. Decreased blood oxygen saturation level and increased total hemoglobin content were demonstrated in the neoplasm. The main reason of such differences between tumor and norm was significant elevation of deoxyhemoglobin concentration in SKBR-3. The method can be useful for diagnosis of tumors as well as for study of blood flow parameters of tumor models with different angiogenic properties.
Databáze: OpenAIRE