Real-Time Measurement of Personal Exposure to Airborne Nano-Objects with the DiSCmini/Echtzeitmessung der persönlichen Exposition gegenüber luftgetragenen Nanoobjekten mit dem DISCmini. Teil 1: Arbeitsprinzip und Leistungsverhalten im Labortest

Autor: Sébastien Bau, Raphaël Payer, Olivier Witschger, Sabyne Audignon, Louis Galey
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Gefahrstoffe. 83:83-87
ISSN: 0949-8036
DOI: 10.37544/0949-8036-2023-03-04-37
Popis: The use of real-time measurement techniques for objectifying occupational exposure situations is rapidly expanding. However, in many cases, the calibration data provided by manufacturers must be completed by aerosols representative of those present in occupational environments. Present on the market for about ten years, the DiSCmini device is one of the few devices that measures personal exposure to nanometer sized aerosols in real time. Laboratory work conducted on 13 devices provided knowledge about their metrological performance. The experimental data, established for a large range of test aerosols, indicate that this instrument tends to overestimate concentration by 30 to 100 %, and underestimate particle diameter by 20 to 30 %.
Databáze: OpenAIRE