The influence of meteoric smoke particles on the artificial heating effect in the D-region

Autor: Ingrid Mann, Margaretha Myrvang, Carsten Baumann
Rok vydání: 2021
DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6433
Popis: Artificial heating increases the electron temperature by transferring the energy of powerful high frequency radio waves into thermal energy of electrons. Current models most likely overestimate the effect of artificial heating in the D-region compared to observations [1, 2]. We investigate if the presence of meteoric smoke particles can explain the discrepancy between observations and model. The ionospheric D-region varies in altitude range from about 50 km to 100 km. In the D-region, the electron density is low, the neutral density is relatively high and it is here that meteors ablate. The ablated meteoric material is believed to recondense to form meteoric smoke particles (MSP). The presence of MSP in the D-region can influence plasma densities through charging of dust by electrons and ions, depending on different ionospheric conditions. Charging of dust influence the electron density mainly through electron attachment to the dust, which results in height regions with less electron density. The heating effect varies with electron density height profile [3], since the reduction in radio wave energy is due to absorption by electrons. We study artificial heating of the D-region and consider MSP by using a one-dimensional ionospheric model [4], which also includes photochemistry. In the ionospheric model, we assume that artificial heating only influences the chemical reactions that depend on electron temperature. We model the electron temperature increase during artificial heating with an electron density calculated from the ionospheric model, where we will do the modelling with and without the MSP and compare day and night condition. Our results show a difference in electron temperature increase with the MSP compared to without the MSP and between day and night condition.References:[1] Senior, A., M. T. Rietveld, M. J. Kosch and W. Singer (2010): «Diagnosing radio plasma heating in the polar summer mesosphere using cross modulation: Theory and observations». Journal of geophysical research, Vol. 115, A09318. [2] Kero, A., C.-F Enell, Th. Ulich, E. Turunen, M. T. Rietveld and F. H. Honary (2007): «Statistical signature of active D-region HF heating in IRIS riometer data from 1994-2004». Ann. Geophys., 25, 407-415. [3] Kassa, M., O. Havnes and E. Belova (2005): «The effect of electron bite-outs on artificial electron heating and the PMSE overshoot». Annales Geophysicae, 23, 3633-3643. [4] Baumann, C., M. Rapp, A. Kero and C.-F. Enell (2013): «Meteor smoke influence on the D-region charge balance –review of recent in situ measurements and one-dimensional model results». Ann. Geophys., 31, 2049-2062.
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