Effect of integrally weak diffusion on the parameters of current-voltage characteristics of quasi-monopolar semiconductors

Autor: A. N. Zyuganov, Petro Smertenko, S. V. Svechnikov
Rok vydání: 1977
Zdroj: Physica Status Solidi (a). 43:333-341
ISSN: 1521-396X
DOI: 10.1002/pssa.2210430138
Popis: The effect of diffusion on the analytical representation of current–voltage characteristics is considered in all single-carrier injection regimes being characterized by the essential predominance of the transit current component over the diffusion one and constant level of contact emission. It is shown that the integrally weak diffusion may result in an appreciable restriction of the power of I–U characteristic and a maximum and formation of extra extremum in its dependence on the applied voltage. On this basis a new procedure of determination of bulk and contact parameters of semiconductors is proposed. [Russian text Ignored.]
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