Studies in chemical ionization mass spectrometry. 2-i-C4H10 and NO spectra of alkynes

Autor: E. Busker, H. Budzikiewicz
Rok vydání: 1979
Zdroj: Organic Mass Spectrometry. 14:222-226
ISSN: 1096-9888
DOI: 10.1002/oms.1210140412
Popis: The position of the triple bond of n-alkynes can be determined by the analysis of the relative abundance of the CnH2n−1 ions in the chemical ionization (i-butane) spectra. However, chemical ionization (NO) spectra where both hydrocarbon and NO-containing ions are formed in a characteristic manner are more reliable for this purpose. The limitations of the fragmentation rules established earlier for electron impact spectra of alkynes were investigated by examination of additional examples.
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