A Requirement for Carbohydrate Metabolism for the Stimulation of Amino Acid Incorporation into Protein by Insulin

Autor: Paul J. DeSchepper, Masateru Toyoda, Samuel P. Bessman
Rok vydání: 1965
Zdroj: Journal of Biological Chemistry. 240:1670-1674
ISSN: 0021-9258
Popis: Insulin has been shown to enhance the incorporation of labeled amino acids into the protein of the isolated rat diaphragm and other tissues (1, 2). The insulin stimulation is not exerted through an effect of the hormone on the transport of external amino acids to intracellular sites of protein synthesis.’ The dependency of this insulin action upon the nutritional status of the animal and a requirement for glucose under certain circumstances have been reported by Krahl and Wool (3-6). These results could not be confirmed by Manchester and Young (7, 8). The attenuation of amino acid incorporation produced by deprivation of food could be relieved not only by glucose and mannose, but also by several monosaccharides which are poorly metabolized (9, 10). A possible relation between glucose metabolism and amino acid incorporation was also suggested by the fact that 2-deoxyn-glucose, a glucose analogue and inhibitor of glycolysis, inhibited amino acid incorporation into rat diaphragm protein (9, 11). The present report concerns the effect of various sugars and other substances on the inhibition of incorporation of L( +)leucine-14C into protein caused by 2-deoxy-n-glucose.
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