Proposed Concepts For An Advanced Optical Payload For Second Generation METEOSAT

Autor: Jean-Loup Bezy, Bernd Paul Kunkel, Daniel R. Lobb, B. C. Taylor, Eon O'Mongain, A. F. J. Morgownik, E. Hettlage, Michael A. Cutter, Fritz Blechinger, G. Ratier
Rok vydání: 1989
Zdroj: SPIE Proceedings.
ISSN: 0277-786X
DOI: 10.1117/12.960650
Popis: The current METEOSAT Operational Program will continue its service until 1995, possibly till 1997. Subsequently, the METEOSAT Second Generation (MSG) is planned to replace the current system (similar to the " compatible" US "GOES-Next" and the Japanese GMS follow-on generation as major elements of the global geostationary meteorological satellite systems). The payload of MSG is supposed to comprise a Microwave Vertical Sounder and two optical instruments which are described in this paper, i.e.: - a Visible/Infrared Imaging Radiometer (VIRI) - an IR Vertical Sounder (IRS).
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