Rare Earth Materials Challenge to National Defense: Material Scientist’s Perspective

Autor: Joclyn Cook, Shiva S. Hullavarad, Nilima V. Hullavarad
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: MRS Proceedings. 1342
ISSN: 1946-4274
DOI: 10.1557/opl.2011.1276
Popis: This article provides the key technical niche that alternative rare earth metals and oxides can offer as an alternative to the ones that are under ‘Potential China Export Embargo’. The potential areas of national interest that affected by limited rare earth and the implications of such short supplies on the US businesses are discussed. The paper discusses the technology areas where US based academic and industries have an opportunity in developing the alternate rare earth materials (REM) through innovations in recycling existing rare earth (RE) metals/oxides and develop alternate solutions. Some examples are provided on how the nanotechnology research in the alternative material technologies in the rare earth metals and oxide materials significantly affect the industry trend of rare earth dependence.
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