Circular-Polarized Antennas Far-Field Enhancement Using Round Reflectors with Curved Sidewall

Autor: Elena V. Komissarova, Daniel E. Semernya, Vladimir Litun
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: 2020 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP).
DOI: 10.23919/eucap48036.2020.9136010
Popis: This report discusses the problem of wide axial ratio beamwidth and high front-to-back ratio compact antenna design problem. As a prospective solution, a system design, employing crossed dipole element and circular reflector with a curved sidewall, is proposed. In the first step of research, the reflector’s influence on radiation characteristics is examined using a simplified model. Numerical analysis shows the potential front-to-back ratio value around 36 dB while the farfield radiation pattern in the upper hemisphere is close to axisymmetric and has a low cross-polarization component level for the same reflector’s geometry.
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