Adapting the Swedish Experience of Corporate Culture Management to Russian Branches on the Example of «Daniel Wellington LLC»

Autor: E. Zaharova, E. Hoholeva
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Management of the Personnel and Intellectual Resources in Russia. 10:63-68
ISSN: 2305-7807
DOI: 10.12737/2305-7807-2021-10-5-63-68
Popis: The corporate culture of an organization plays an important role in the personnel management system. Its influence is especially important in branches that operate in another country. The article examines the Swedish experience of corporate culture management and the possibility of its adaptation to Russian branches on the example of the organization "Daniel Wellington". The article contains a study to identify the difficulties in applying the corporate culture of the brand of the founding country to the Russian reality. The reasons that can hinder the implementation are identified, and the readiness of the Russian brand staff for possible changes is determined. The Russian and Swedish corporate cultures of the brand are compared. The current attitude of employees to the use of online platforms used for the exchange of experience is revealed.
Databáze: OpenAIRE