Footprinting farms: a comparison of three GHG calculators

Autor: Yvette Faber, Henry King, Nicolas Viart, Marcelo C. C. Stabile, Jacquetta Lee, Emma Keller, Veronica Chorkulak, Melissa Chin, Claudia Stickler, Llorenç Milà i Canals, Roland Clift
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Greenhouse Gas Measurement and Management. 4:90-123
ISSN: 2043-0787
Popis: Agriculture and forestry (including land use changes) contribute approximately 30% of anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions globally, but have a significant mitigation potential. Several activities to reduce GHGs at a landscape scale are under development (e.g. Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation activities or Clean Development Mechanism projects) but these will not be effective without improvements at the basic management scale: the farm. A number of farm-level GHG calculators have been developed; to increase farmers awareness of the GHG impacts of their management practices; to aid decision-support for mitigation actions; and to enable farmers to calculate and communicate their GHG emissions, whether for their own records, as a prerequisite to supply chain certification, or as part of larger scale mechanisms. This paper compares three farm-level GHG calculators with significant potential influence. It demonstrates how the tools differ in output when using the same input d...
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