Synthesis of arbitrary-shaped textures constrained by the structure tensor field

Autor: Adib Akl, Christian Germain, Charles Yaacoub, Marc Donias, Jean-Pierre Da Costa
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Signal, Image and Video Processing. 12:41-49
ISSN: 1863-1711
Popis: In this paper, a new algorithm is presented for the nonparametric synthesis of arbitrary-shaped textures from an initial texture sample, called the exemplar, and a reference orientation map, called the reference and intended to constrain the coarse scale orientation flow of the output texture. The synthesis process consists of three stages. First, a dictionary is constructed, composed of rotated versions of the exemplar and of their structure tensor fields. Then a synthetic structure tensor field is constructed from the exemplar’s one, under the constraint of the reference. Finally, the output texture is synthesized from the previously generated structure tensor field, again under the constraint of the reference. Synthesis experiments show that the proposed method is able to faithfully reproduce the visual aspect of input samples while respecting the large-scale orientation flow of the reference. This paves the way toward the synthesis of 3-D textures of arbitrary shapes from 2-D exemplars, with applications in virtual material design.
Databáze: OpenAIRE