CO2Laser Catheter Angioplasty in Human Atherosclerotic Xenograft Arteries

Autor: Henry N. Neufeld, Ami Zweig, Arie Bass, Dov Gal, Edith Gaton, Nelson Wolf, Michael Eldar, Alexander Battler, Raphael Walden, Abraham Katzir
Rok vydání: 1989
Zdroj: Journal of Interventional Cardiology. 2:29-34
ISSN: 1540-8183
Popis: Human atherosclerotic xenograft arteries implanted in five mongrel dogs were subjected to in-traluminal angioplasty using CO2 laser radiation. CO2 laser energy was delivered through a silver halide fiber, 0.9 mm in diameter and 100 cm long, inserted into a 6 Fr angiographic catheter. Results indicated that the technique is feasible, relatively simple and may have a low potential for perforation. (J Interven Cardiol 1989:2:1)
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