Autor: John Saliba
Rok vydání: 1917
Zdroj: Journal of the American Medical Association. :1237
ISSN: 0002-9955
DOI: 10.1001/jama.1917.04270040225009
Popis: The large majority of bladder hernias are of the paraperitoneal variety. The relative proportion of the intraperitoneal and extraperitoneal varieties is difficult to estimate, as the different statistics undoubtedly show great variations. It is uncommon to diagnose bladder hernia before operation, and even at operation the condition is often not recognized until the bladder is injured. Such injury must be looked on as serious. REPORT OF CASE. History. —R. L. T., woman, aged 54, white, housewife, married, entered the hospital, March 6, 1916, at 2 a. m., complaining of strangulated right femoral hernia. She had had eleven children, the oldest 30 and the youngest 7 years of age; all labors were normal. She had suffered from constipation for many years. Four years before she had noticed a lump in the right groin. It was not painful, felt soft and was about the size of an English walnut. When first noticed
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