Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Growth Mechanism on Conductive and Non-Conductive Barriers

Autor: Hing Wah Lee, Kai Sin Tan, Soo Kien Chen, Aun Shih Teh, Rahimah Mohd Saman, Daniel C. S. Bien
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Advanced Materials Research. :1201-1204
ISSN: 1662-8985
DOI: 10.4028/
Popis: We report on the catalytic growth of multiwalled carbon nanotubes by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition using Ni and Co catalyst deposited on SiO2, Si3N 4,ITO and TiN Xbarrier layers; layers which are typically used as diffusive barriers of the catalyst material. Results revealed higher growth rates on conductive ITO and TiN Xas compared to non con-ductiveSiO2, and Si3N 4,barriers. Micrograph images reveal the growth mechanism for nanotubes grown on SiO2, Si3N 4 and ITO to be tip growth while base growth was observed for the TiN X barrier layer. Initial conclusion suggests that conductive diffusion barrier surfaces promotes growth rates however it is possible that multiwalled carbon nanotubes grown onSiO2, and Si3N 4,were encumbered as a result of the formation of silicide as shown in the results here.
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