Ultrasound diagnosis of lymphoproliferative tumors in urologic oncology

Autor: Andrey Kaprin, O. A. Pavlova, P. A. Herzen Moscow, E. V. Prozorova, P. D. Bespalov, V. I. Kazakevich, L. A. Mitina, S. O. Stepanov, B. Ya, P. A. Herzen, N. G. Tyurina, M. V. Maiorova, M. A. Vernyuk, A. M. Chervontseva
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Onkologiya. Zhurnal imeni P.A.Gertsena. 4:29
ISSN: 2305-218X
Popis: Objective — to study the echographic semiotics of lymphoproliferative tumors in the presence of genitourinary system lesion. Material and methods. Forty-seven patients with non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) and lymphogranulomatosis (LG) who had tumors in the genitourinary organs (kidney (n=30), testicle (n=5), adrenal (n=4), urinary bladder (n=3), ureter (n=2), prostate (n=2), and spermatic cord (n=1) were followed up. Results. The semiotics of the lesion in different genitourinary organs in lymphoproliferative diseases is described in detail. Conclusion. Ultrasound study yields significant information on organ tumor lesion in LG and NHL. The main signs suggesting the organ lesion are its unusual presentation; an inconsistency between significant visible changes and mild clinical manifestations; frequently multiple foci; and a very rapid progression of changes. The greatest difficulties arise in isolated focal organ lesion since the ultrasound image of each single visible nodule is virtually indistinguishable from that of a tumor of another morphological structure.
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