Show, Read and Reason

Autor: Bing Liu, Xin Li, Yinsong Liu, Rongrong Ji, Bo Ren, Hao Liu, Deqiang Jiang
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: ACM Multimedia
DOI: 10.1145/3474085.3481534
Popis: We investigate the challenging problem of table structure recognition in this work. Many recent methods adopt graph-based context aggregator with strong inductive bias to reason sparse contextual relationships of table elements. However, the strong constraints may be too restrictive to represent the complicated table relationships. In order to learn more appropriate inductive bias from data, we try to introduce Transformer as context aggregator in this work. Nevertheless, Transformer taking dense context as input requires larger scale data and may suffer from unstable training procedure due to the weakening of inductive bias. To overcome the above limitations, we in this paper design a FLAG (FLexible context AGgregator), which marries Transformer with graph-based context aggregator in an adaptive way. Based on FLAG, an end-to-end framework requiring no extra meta-data or OCR information, termed FLAG-Net, is proposed to flexibly modulate the aggregation of dense context and sparse one for the relational reasoning of table elements. We investigate the modulation pattern in FLAG and show what contextual information is focused, which is vital for recognizing table structure. Extensive experimental results on benchmarks demonstrate the performance of our proposed FLAG-Net surpasses other compared methods by a large margin.
Databáze: OpenAIRE