Novel SNP and Unique Sequences in ATP-binding Cassette Super Family-G Member-2 Transporter (ABCG2) Gene of Vechur cattle (Bos indicus)

Autor: K. Anilkumar, T.V. Aravindakshan, F. A. Lali
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Indian Journal of Animal Research.
ISSN: 0976-0555
Popis: In the present study, ABCG2 gene of Vechur cattle of Kerala was sequenced and aligned using Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) in National Centre for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) site. The results revealed that ABCG2 gene sequence of Vechur cattle shows 96% similarity with reference NCBI sequences. Addition of eleven base pairs in 13th intron in ABCG2 gene of Vechur cattle which derived a larger amplicon (303 bp) than expected (292 bp). A novel SNP (G4104A) was identified at 4104th position in intron 13 of ABCG2 gene of Vechur cattle. Further research is suggested to depict the association if any of the novel SNP and unique characters of Vechur cattle.
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