Autor: S.C. Langford, J.T. Dickinson, N. S. Park, Myoung-Won Kim
Rok vydání: 1997
Zdroj: Tribology Letters. 3:69-80
ISSN: 1023-8883
Popis: Scanning force microscopy (SFM) is employed to study a modeltribochemical system: single-crystal calcite in saturated(≥ 60 μ M) CaCO3solution. The tribological stimulus is provided by the SFM tipitself. Local dissolution along monolayer steps is readilyincreased by an order of magnitude by scanning at high contactforces (e.g., 270 nN). Indentations near pre-existing steps alsolocally enhance the step velocity. At very high contact forcesand point-like scans (10 x 10 nm2), etch pits can benucleated in flat terraces. The wear produced by drawing the SFMtip back and forth in a linear fashion across monolayer steps canbe quantitatively described in terms of the volume-activatednucleation of double kinks. The resulting activation volumes (4x 10-29 m3 and 6 x 10-29m3 for the two crystallographically distinct steps inthis study) are similar to the average volume per ion in thecalcite lattice. This technique is readily adapted to morecorrosive environments, and may allow for a more fundamentalunderstanding of tribochemical effects.
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