Effectiveness of Chest Physiotherapy on Cardio-Respiratory Signs & Symptoms in COVID-19 Positive Patients

Autor: Sweety Shah, Ayesha Gadhawala
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: International Journal of Health Sciences and Research. 11:284-289
ISSN: 2249-9571
Popis: Introduction: Covid-19 is considered as world pandemic disease in which patient suffers from several respiratory impairments along with weakness which affects overall body functions, thus aim of this review is to highlight role of chest physiotherapy in improving respiratory signs/symptoms of Covid-19 positive patients. Method: The interventional study, convenient sampling with sample size of 41 subjects. Subjects of 35-80 years both male and female diagnosed with covid-19 positive were included in study. The exclusion criteria were any recent fracture, any medically diagnosed mental illness, neurological disorders and post covid-19 patients. The subjects are assessed of respiratory signs and symptoms like vital-signs, cough, dyspnea by American thoracic society grading of breathlessness, 1 minute sit to stand test, external oxygen supplement on the 1st day and again on 14th day physiotherapy administration for data analysis. The symptomatic chest physiotherapy was administered to each patient from day of reference until the discharge, 2 times in a day and 7 days/week. Results: There was decrease in mean ATS dyspnea scoring, respiratory rate, cough and oxygen supplement and increase in mean 1 minute sit to stand repetition, oxygen saturation (spo2) from 1st day to 14th day of physiotherapy treatment which is statistically significant comparing within groups. There was no significant difference noted in pre and post heart rate values comparing within groups. Conclusion: The study concluded that chest physiotherapy proved to be effective in improving the respiratory signs and symptoms and overall health of covid-19 positive patients. Key words: Covid-19 positive, chest physiotherapy, cough, dyspnea, oxygen supplement.
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