Altered dynamic functional and effective connectivity in drug-naive children with Tourette Syndrome

Autor: Haibo Qu, Lekai Luo, Yi Liao, Fenglin Jia, Gang Ning, Jing Liu, Xuesheng Li, Xijian Chen, Xinmao Ma, Xuejia He, Chuan Fu, Xiaotang Cai
Rok vydání: 2023
Popis: Tourette syndrome (TS) is a developmental neuropsychiatric disorder characterized by repetitive, stereotyped, involuntary motor and vocal tics, the neurological basis of which remains unclear. Although traditional resting-state MRI (rfMRI) studies have identified abnormal static functional connectivity (FC) in patients with TS, dynamic FC (dFC) remains relatively unexplored. The rfMRI data of 54 children with TS and 46 typically developing children (TDC) were analyzed using group independent component analysis to obtain independent components (ICs), and a sliding-window approach to generate dFC matrices. All dFC matrices were clustered into two reoccurring states, the state transition metrics were obtained. We conducted Granger causality and degree centrality analyses to further investigate the brain regions that may play the most important roles in driving whole-brain switching between different states. We found that children with TS spent more time in state 2 (PFDR < 0.001), a state characterized by strong connectivity between ICs, and switched more quickly between states (PFDR = 0.025) than TDC. The default mode network (DMN) may play an important role in abnormal state transitions because the FC that changed the most between the two states was between the DMN and other networks. Additionally, the DMN had increased centrality and altered causal influence on other networks. Certain alterations related to cognitive function (r = – 0.309, P r = 0.282; 0.413, P
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