ReAHK: Sistema auxiliar para la rehabilitación articular del hombro mediante Kinect

Autor: Alan J. Crisantos Bazaldúa, Ángel E. Hernández Beltrán, Eusebio Ricárdez Vázquez
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Research in Computing Science. 107:51-60
ISSN: 1870-4069
DOI: 10.13053/rcs-107-1-5
Popis: This paper presents the design and implementation of an articular auxiliary rehabilitation system based on Kinect TM . This is non-ludic software which main target is shoulder rehabilitation based on exercises working in frontal and sagittal plane. This work was deve- loped for the Windows platform using C # programming language and Microsoft TM Kinect Software Development Kit. This system monitors the patient to perform the exercises properly and email a report to specialist physician. Tests were performed with 30 volunteers without any shoulder injury. After interacting with the system a usability questionnaire was applied. The results of the evaluation indicate that the system is accepted among a group of people of dierent
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