The 140 GHz - 2MW - 2 s ECRH System for ASDEX-Upgrade

Autor: F. Ryter, P. G. Schüller, W. Kasparek, F. Monaco, H. Brinkschulte, G. Gantenbein, A. Fix, E.M. Tai, M. Münich, A. G. Peeters, W Förster, F. Leuterer, V. Sigalaev
Rok vydání: 1997
Popis: A 140 GHz ECRH system is being installed at the ASDEX-Upgrade tokamak. The total power of 2 MW at a pulse length of 2 s — or 2.8 MW at 1 s, respectively — is generated in 4 gyrotrons and transferred to the plasma via 4 transmission lines, partly quasi-optically and partly through HE-11 wave guides. The power can be modulated up to 30 KHz. Rotatable mirrors inside the vacuum chamber facilitate the deposition of the rf power at any desired position within the cross section of the plasma. A first 0.5 MW — 0.5 s unit is operational since summer 1995. Gyrotron, transmission line and in-vessel components worked very reliably. Heating effects and the propagation of heat waves were analysed under various plasma conditions.
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