A FORTRAN program for three-dimensional cokriging with case demonstration

Autor: Tim Heiner, Guocheng Pan, James R. Carr, Ken Moss
Rok vydání: 1992
Zdroj: Computers & Geosciences. 18:557-578
ISSN: 0098-3004
Popis: This paper presents a three-dimensional (3-D) cokriging program, which generally is suitable for any anisotropic multivariate system in which variables are correlated spatially. The code was written in standard FORTRAN 77. The program is executed with a control file which defines all parameters necessary to run the program. Options for variogram/cross variogram models are spherical, Gaussian, exponential, DeWijsian, and linear. The program provides alternatives for point/block cokriging and cross validation. A 3-D search strategy is adopted on a “main variables” basis. In addition, the program employs a heuristic criterion to eliminate instabilities in solving the cokriging equation system and allows automatic adjustment for under-sampled cases. Finally, the program is demonstrated by a case study based on a real data set.
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