Development, Construction, and Use of Lime and Alum Application Systems in Alberta, Canada

Autor: Ellie E. Prepas, Tom Murphy, Jay Babin, Mark Serediak
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Lake and Reservoir Management. 18:66-74
ISSN: 2151-5530
DOI: 10.1080/07438140209353930
Popis: Between 1986 and 1993, a variety of systems, ranging from simple to complex, were designed for lime (slaked lime (Ca(OH)2) or calcite (CaCO3)) and alum (Al2(SO4)3) application to water bodies in Alberta, Canada. Application systems were used both experimentally, to determine the effectiveness of lime and alum in reducing phosphorus and algae, and commercially, for the treatment of water bodies with excessive algal and/or macrophyte growth. System designs ranged from inexpensive, easy to assemble but labour-intensive prototype models, to commercially viable, low-labour requirement systems, capable of applying chemicals to aquatic systems ranging in size from small water bodies (about 300 m2) to medium-sized lakes (about 75 ha). Results of these projects suggest that, while all systems were effective for the treatment of problem algae and macrophytes, local conditions, efficiency, and cost must determine each system's usefulness.
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