GC-MS-Olfactometric Screening of Potent Aroma Compounds in Pulps and Peels of Two Popular Turkish Fig (Ficus carica L.) Cultivars by Application of Aroma Extract Dilution Analysis

Autor: Gamze Guclu, Ozlem Kilic Buyukkurt, Serkan Selli, Mehmet Sertkaya, Hasim Kelebek
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Food Analytical Methods. 14:2357-2366
ISSN: 1936-976X
Popis: Fig fruit (Ficus carica L.) is highly popular and consumed in the world for its nutritional and health benefits. The aroma, aroma-active, total phenolics and antioxidant activity of the peels and pulps of fig samples from two popular Turkish cultivars (Sarilop and Bursa Siyahi) were investigated in this study. A total of 57 and 58 aroma compounds were quantified in the pulps and peels of Sarilop cultivar while the pulps and peels of Bursa Siyahi cultivar had a total of 54 and 55 aroma compounds, respectively. The terpenes, followed by esters and alcohols, were the most dominant aroma compounds in all fig samples. The results of the gas chromatography-mass spectrometry-olfactometry (GC-MS-O) analysis showed that a total of 19 aroma-active compounds were detected in all samples. Based upon the FD (flavour dilution) factor, the most potent aroma-active compounds were benzyl alcohol for the pulps of cv. Sarilop; β-caryophyllene and benzyl alcohol for the peels of cv. Sarilop; DL-limonene, acetoin and benzyl alcohol for the pulps of cv. Bursa Siyahi and DL-limonene, acetoin and β-caryophyllene for the peels of cv. Bursa Siyahi. It was determined that the peels of Bursa Siyahi cultivar had significantly higher total phenolics and antioxidant activity.
Databáze: OpenAIRE