Properties Analysis of 2D PtSe2 Layers Grown by Thermally Assisted Conversion of Chemical Vapor Deposition

Autor: Hristosko Dikov, Vladimira Videva, Peter Rafialov, Ivalina Avramova, Dimitre Dimitrov, Vera Marinova, Nikolay Minev, K. Buchkov
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: 2021 XXX International Scientific Conference Electronics (ET).
Popis: Platinum diselenide (PtSe2) as a part of 2D noble transition metal dichalcogenides (nTMDCs) offer diverse optoelectronic properties which can be effectively controlled as number of layers and engineered for novel applications. In this context, our study is focused on structural and compositional characteristics of large area synthesized PtSe2 ultrathin films. In addition, optical properties analysis as a way to track the quality of PtSe2 at different synthesized stages using thermal assisted conversion (TAC) of chemical vapor deposition (CVD) was performed.
Databáze: OpenAIRE