Electronic structure of As2Te3–GeTe crystalline compounds

Autor: C. Senemaud, E. Brousse, A. Gheorghiu de la Rocque, Pierre-Emmanuel Lippens, Josette Olivier-Fourcade
Rok vydání: 2001
Zdroj: Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 62:467-474
ISSN: 0022-3697
Popis: The electronic structures of As 2 Te 3 , GeTe and the layered compounds As 2 Ge n Te 3+ n with n =1–5 have been experimentally studied by means of X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS). The XPS valence bands show changes as a function of n , which are explained by tight-binding calculations of the total and partial densities of states. The values of the binding energy of the Ge 3d 5/2 , As 3p 3/2 , and Te 3d 5/2 core-levels were measured and are related to the calculated atomic charges.
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