Covid-19 Pandemisi Sürecinde Uzaktan Eğitim Ve İlahiyat Fakültesi Öğrencilerinde Akademik Dürüstlük

Autor: Erdoğan, İrfan
Jazyk: turečtina
Rok vydání: 2021
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5720355
Popis: This research aims to determine the academic integrity levels of the theology students in the distance education process that started to be implemented after the Covid-19 pandemic, and also it is trying to determine what are academic integrity violations they experienced and observed, reasons for these violations from students' perspectives. To achieve this aim, the convergent parallel design was adopted as a mixed research method. In this context, quantitative and qualitative data were collected together. The "Academic Dishonesty Tendency Scale" was used in the quantitative dimension of the study. Situations that violate academic integrity were described as academic dishonesty, and low scores from the scale were interpreted as high academic integrity tendencies. The study group consists of 284 students studying 3rd and 4th-grade of Necmettin Erbakan University Ahmet Keleşoğlu Faculty of Theology. The data were collected online in the spring term of the 2020-2021 academic year. According to the findings, academic integrity tendency in the exams (avoiding cheating) was very high (x̄=1.65), academic integrity tendency in the homework and projects was high (x̄=1.82), academic integrity tendency in research and reporting processes was very high (x̄=. 1.70), and the tendency for academic integrity towards citations was found to be high (x̄=1.89). The general level of academic integrity tendency was also found to be very high (x̄=1.78). It was observed that there was no significant difference according to gender and grade level in the sub-dimensions of the scale and the total score of academic integrity tendency. On the other hand, “When you compare the face-to-face education process before the Covid-19 pandemic and the distance education process after the pandemic, do you observe a difference in theology students in terms of academic integrity?” question asked. 62% of the participants answered “Yes, academic honesty decreased during the distance education process.”, 33.1% of the participants answered “No, there was no change.”, 1.8% of participants answered“Yes, academic honesty increased during the distance education process.”. 3.2% of the participants left this question unanswered. The data obtained in the qualitative dimension of the research were subjected to content analysis using the NVIVO 10 qualitative data analysis program, and the themes were revealed by coding. According to the findings, using someone else's homework, getting help from someone else, preparing the homework by copy-pasting and not citing the references, individual cheating behavior in the exam, helping each other in the exam, Qur'an recitation by looking to the Qur’an, and attending to the online course but dealing with other things were observed or experienced by the participants and these situations were considered as academic integrity violations. According to results obtained from the qualitative dimension of the research, reasons for the emergence of academic integrity violations were collected under five themes. These themes were reasons arising from the general education understanding, reasons originating from the student, reasons originating from the instructor, reasons arising from the pandemic process and distance education conditions, and reasons originating from administrational decisions.
Databáze: OpenAIRE