European fast reactor design

Autor: J.C. Lefèvre, G. Hubert, C.H. Mitchell
Rok vydání: 1996
Zdroj: Nuclear Engineering and Design. 162:133-143
ISSN: 0029-5493
DOI: 10.1016/0029-5493(95)01141-2
Popis: The European fast reactor (EFR) project was launched in 1988 and has now reached an important step with the completion of the concept validation phase. The twin goals that the customer utilities set at the outset for the design have been demonstrated to be achievable: economic performance with the generating cost of a commercial series of EFR competitive with its contemporary pressurized water reactors; licensable in all participating countries with the requirement of a safety level which meets the ambitious targets of future nuclear plants. The research and development support has been extensive and has provided comprehensive validation of the design features necessary to meet these goals. The paper gives an overview of the project, covering the design and its validation status and the steps taken to demonstrate that the safety and economic goals have been achieved.
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