Irradiation Factor-Dependency. Exploratory Studies, Irradiation Cycle, and Degassing

Autor: E. F. Degering, M. L. Bazinet, G. J. Caldarella, Charles Merritt
Rok vydání: 1963
Zdroj: I&EC Product Research and Development. 2:114-118
ISSN: 1943-2976
DOI: 10.1021/i360006a006
Popis: Atmosphere (including small amounts of moisture or oxygen), dose rate, irradiation cycle or time interval between successive exposures, and temperature are significant-variables or experimental parameters for the irradiation-induced polymerization of vinyl monomers by use of an electron accelerator operating at 2 Mev. The molecular weight of the polymer may be predetermined within limits by appropriate selection of variables. Small amounte, 1%, of another monomer added to styrene may have a pronounced effect on both conversion to polymer and on the molecular weight of the product. The molecular structure of the polymer, moreover, as evaluated by infrared spectroscopy, might vary as a function of atmosphere, including small amounts of moisture and oxygen. (auth)
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