Videopoéticas contemporâneas: um olhar sobre a produção imagética

Autor: Silas de Paula, Evelyse Lins Horn
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Discursos Fotograficos. 7:77-91
ISSN: 1984-7939
DOI: 10.5433/1984-7939.2011v7n11p77
Popis: This article aims to talk about the video and its relationship with contemporary art. The video imagery, nowadays, operates changes in production by being a hybrid and having relationships with several languages. Here, it is considered as a decentralized process of language and as an intermedium that expands their own particularities. In its diversity, in the exploration of several practices, in the example of Godard’s work, in the sharing of sensitive and in its interaction with the art we will have the object of our study.
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