Effect of genome-plastome interaction on meiosis and pollen development in Oenothera species and hybrids

Autor: David L. Mulcahy, Michael J. Chapman
Rok vydání: 1997
Zdroj: Sexual Plant Reproduction. 10:288-292
ISSN: 1432-2145
Popis: Oenothera villaricae Dietrich and Oe. picensis Dietrich, complete translocation heterozygotes, are fully interfertile, giving rise to six discrete classes of true-breeding hybrids from a reciprocal cross. Associated with each parent and hybrid is a characteristic abortive non-staining pollen fraction easily distinguished from fully developed pollen under the light microscope. Pollen abortion has been associated with translocation rings in other angiosperm species, and may characterize such systems. The abortive pollen fraction is significantly different between reciprocal Oenothera hybrids, however (P
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