Genetic selection of Calophyllum brasiliense for seed orchards

Autor: Thiago Wendling Gonçalves de Oliveira, João Antonio Pereira Fowler, Guilherme Schnell e Schuhli, Maria do Socorro Padilha de Oliveira
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity. 4:371-377
ISSN: 2179-4804
Popis: Calophyllum brasiliense populations are under severe depletion and criteria to improve production and quality ofpropagative material are therefore necessary. Genetic measures have the potential to reduce consanguinity andmaximize allelic representation within target populations. Here, we explored genetic values for this species in asmall relic of natural forest in Rio de Janeiro State (Brazil). The objective was to evaluate the potential of somegenetic measures for seed orchard establishment. As genomic information of native trees is still scarce, we opted touse a dominant marker: RAPD. DNA from 17 phenotypically superior trees was obtained through the CTAB methodand submitted for amplification by PCR. Electrophoresis and electronic documentation was then conducted. Wecalculated the percentage of polymorphic bands (PPB), gene diversity (Ht), Shannon’s information index (i), geneticdistance (UPGMA) and parsimony analysis. Six primers were evaluated generating 34 loci. We found high geneticdiversity PPB=70.6% with Ht=0.28 and i=0.41. Genetic relationships were reported in dendrograms (maximumparsimony and distance). Simulated sampling within and among clusters suggests that inter cluster sampling ismore effective to capture the genetic diversity.Key-words: RAPD, propagative material, MAS, guanandi.
Databáze: OpenAIRE