High- and very-high-dose dosimetry using silicate minerals

Autor: Jose Fernando Diniz Chubaci, Renata F. Barbosa, Shigueo Watanabe, Lucas S. Carmo, Nilo F. Cano
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Radiation Measurements. 72:66-69
ISSN: 1350-4487
Popis: In the present study, certain natural silicate minerals such as aquamarine (AB), morganite (PB), goshenite (WB), white jadeite (JW), green jadeite (JG), pink tourmaline (PT) and two varieties of jadeite-like quartz, denoted here by JQ1 and JQ2, were investigated using the thermoluminescence technique to evaluate their potential for use as very-high- and high-dose dosimeters. These minerals respond to high doses of γ-rays of up to 1000 kGy and often to very high doses of up to 3000 kGy. The TL response of these minerals may be considered to be satisfactory for applications in high-dose dosimetry. Investigations of electron paramagnetic resonance and optically stimulated luminescence dosimetry are in progress.
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