Impact of Covid-19 on Education Across the World

Autor: Nafees Akhter Farooqui, Mohammad Islam, Syed Ali Mehdi Zaidi
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: 1. 2:1-3
ISSN: 2583-6188
Popis: The Coronavirus pandemic has significantly disrupted various sectors across the world. The education sector is one of them. Due to Covid-19 the government across the world temporarily started shutting down schools and colleges. As the days pass by with no immediate solution to stop the outbreak of Covid-19, school and university closures will not only have a short-term impact on the continuity of learning for more than 285 million young learners in India but also engender far-reaching economic and societal consequences. This paper provides an overview of the impact of Covid-19 on education across the world, examining how it has affected different stages of education, from pre-school to tertiary level. The paper highlights the challenges faced by educators, students, and parents, including school closures, remote learning, and increased inequality. Additionally, the paper discusses the measures implemented by different countries to mitigate the impact of Covid-19 on education, including the use of technology, revised curriculum, and blended learning. The paper concludes that Covid-19 has brought significant changes to the education system, which will have lasting effects on the future of education worldwide.
Databáze: OpenAIRE