Textures and spin currents in the B phase of3He

Autor: I. A. Fomin, M. Vuorio
Rok vydání: 1975
Zdroj: Journal of Low Temperature Physics. 21:271-282
ISSN: 1573-7357
DOI: 10.1007/bf01141327
Popis: The effects of boundaries and magnetic fields on the textures of the B phase of liquid3He are considered. It is found that the liquid undergoes a change from an unbended into a bended state analogously to a second order phase transition. A measurement of the phase boundary would give the coefficients of the relevant free energies. Spin currents in bended states are given. It is shown, using minimization of the free energy, that spin conservation in the presence of supercurrents is satisfied by the internal Josephson effect.
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