Nano-microscale moulding of some metal plates with high strength Ni–W alloy moulds

Autor: Hiroki Adachi, Tohru Yamasaki, Yoshihiko Yokoyama, Takayuki Nabeshima, Masahiro Yamada
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Microsystem Technologies. 20:1941-1948
ISSN: 1432-1858
Popis: High strength nanocrystalline and amorphous Ni-14---24 at. % W alloys with their tensile strengths of about 3 GPa have been prepared by electrodeposition. Nano-microscale Ni---W alloy mould inserts, consisting of line and space structures with the line-widths of 700 and 300 nm and the height of 200 nm, were fabricated. High compression stress moulding of some metal plates of pure-Al, SUS-316L stainless steel and Zr69Cu16Ni5Al10 bulk metallic glass with the Ni---W alloy inserts was carried out at room temperature. In the case of the pure-Al under moulding stress of about 350 MPa, full moulding was achieved with the depths of about 200 nm approximately equal to the height of the inserts. Repeat moulding of 200 cycles did not cause any noticeable change or degradation of the Ni---W alloy inserts. In the case of the SUS-316L stainless steel under the moulding stress of about 1 GPa, however, the nano-microscale moulding was not achieved. This may be due to the high strain hardening ability of the SUS-316L stainless steel during plastic deformation. In the case of the Zr69Cu16Ni5Al10 bulk metallic glass with a high yielding stress of about 1.5 GPa and no strain hardening ability, full moulding was almost achieved successfully under the high moulding stress of about 2 GPa.
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